Thursday 26 July 2012


Some old guy gets on the train, and asks some seated guy for directions. What do you know, after a few words, they are suddenly the best of friends, speaking in Chilean, old man and young man.

I also saw a person I hadn't seen in 5 years! XD

Anyways, let us not dally.

Here is Halloween Mansion by jerry8448

The colour scheme of this image is brilliant. The light orange'ish hue of the atmosphere goes well with the grinning pumpkins (munchkins anyone?) The eerie red light in the uppermost part of the mansion is fantastic; added to that the smoke, who knows what kind of witchcraft is going on in there. The sky is wonderfully detailed, though, I can't tell if those are stars or birds in the sky. The tree stands there, without leaves, a sign of foreboding.

I'm guessing that this person may inhabit the mansion

Haunted Mansion Bride Replica by yensidtlaw1969 will be haunting my dreams for a while...those eyes and hands D:

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