Monday 30 July 2012


Let us begin with an interesting quote from Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb

"One thing I have learned well in my travels. The riches of one region are taken for granted in another. Fish we would not feed to a cat in Buckkeep is pirzed a a delicacy in the inland cities. In some places, water is wealth, in others the constant flooding of the river is both an annoyance and a peril. Fine leather, graceful poetry, glass as transparent as air, exotic flowers...all of these I have seen in such plentiful supply, that the folk who possess them no longer see them as wealth.
So perhaps, in sufficient quantity, magic becomes ordinary. Instead of a thing of wonder and awe, it becomes the stuff of roadbedds and signposts, used with a profligacy that astrounds those who have it not."

I'm sure any commerce/economics person would laugh at me, as it is probably second nature to them XD

I digress

I need to be more vigilant in my blogging D:

I found this piece absolutely fascinating. May I present, Potrait of Crime by s-caruso

It just has so much meaning, so much room for interpretation. A big on his head? A gun barell poking out of his head? Suitcases entering the piggy-bank slot? Nice teeth buddy! Dressed for occasion?

I love it!

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